We have Literacy Lift Off every day at 10 o’ clock. Ms. Roycroft and Ms. Walsh or Ms. Fitzgearld all come into our room and we go into our groups. There are four groups. Then teacher picks someone who is doing good work to be in charge of the timer on the whiteboard. That is the best job! Then Ms. Roycroft reads the new book with each group, Ms. Walsh or Ms. Fitzgearld reads the old book and Ms. Beechinor does word work with us. Literacy Lift Off is good because the books are interesting and we get new ones every day or every second day. We also have a writing station where we write about something different every day. It can be hard to think about something to write sometimes. I am writing this for our school blog at that station now! We don’t get to eat our lunches until we come back in from the yard and we are always starving. That’s the only bad thing about Literacy Lift Off.